Jenny’s cannabis products are made with organic ingredients.
Kosher, Vegan, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Wheat Free, Nut Free and made to love you.
Coming Summer of 2023 Jenny's Cannabis Products
Full Spectrum CBD-Infused Recipes
I’ve had the privilege of learning to nourish myself through plant-based nutrition and I want to offer you the same opportunity. Taking control of our health is a non-negotiable though the journey to self empowerment can often be arduous and time-consuming. I’ve compiled 10 of my favorite CBD recipes to take out the drudgery + bring back the joy!
CBD RecipesCooking & Baking With CBD Oil
With the CBD train in full locomotion, there’s much out there that can leave one bewildered and lost as to what direction to take. You can lean on me. I’m here to educate and offer guidance. I’ve dedicated my life to this plant and to helping people access it’s benefits in a way that’s true to the individual. You are unique and so are your bodies CBD needs.
Cooking with CBD Oil

'Food As Medicine'
Jenny here. I was sick of feeling sick, so I decided to give CBD a try. Although it helped, I found the market was saturated with low-quality CBD-infused edibles. As a believer in ‘food as medicine‘, I couldn’t find quality products to incorporate into my cooking. Everywhere I looked I found sugar-filled CBD gummies, artificially flavored CBD drinks, CBD edibles filled with processed junk. Ehh…no thank you!
I’m a problem-solver (I have three kids after all) – so I formed a partnership with organic hemp farmers and extractors to create our first product – a full-spectrum, water-soluble CBD tincture. After using full-spectrum hemp extract with highly potent CBD, I was surprised. I felt rejuvenated, relaxed, and ready to take on the day! The best part, I didn’t crash from sugar an hour later. That’s when I decided to develop my own product line of CBD-infused cooking products and baked goods.
Read My Full Story

Jenny + 2 Chainz
Jenny’s Baked At Home was featured on Viceland’s TV show “Most Expensivest” hosted by 2 Chainz. The episode went live on June 17th, 2020!

August 3, 2021
4 Quick & Easy Baking Recipes Using CBD
Combining cannabidiol (CBD) with food is a delicious way to get your daily dose of cannabinoids. And, you can bake with CBD, create savory CBD […]

July 23, 2021
How Do CBD Topicals Work? Read Before Buying!
These days, people are using CBD (cannabidiol) for just about everything. While most people put CBD into their bodies, a growing number of people swear by putting […]

June 16, 2021
10 Easy & Healthy CBD Recipes
Top 10 Easy and Healthy CBD Recipes A growing number of food and beverages contain CBD, including chocolate bars, soda & seltzer, bliss balls, caramels, […]